Sexual Crimes in Conflict Database

A collection of relevant literature and case law

Showing all 2 results.
  • Literature

    Gormley, Lisa et al. - Women’s Access to Justice for Gender-Based Violence

    Achievements and Challenges of Sexual Violence Prosecution Definitions/Elements of Sexual Violence Crimes

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    Lisa Gormley, Ian Seidermann, Briony Potts and Alex Conte, Women’s Access to Justice for Gender-Based Violence-A Practitioners’ Guide, International Commission of Jurists, Geneva, 2016.
    Type of literature
    Grey Literature
    Research focus
    Investigation, Prosecution and Prevention of Conflict related Sexual Violence, Gaps in the Jurisprudence and Legislation on Conflict-related Sexual Violence crimes

  • Literature

    Oguli-Oumo, Margaret et al. - Promoting an Integrated Approach to Combat Gender Based Violence: A Training Manual

    Achievements and Challenges of Sexual Violence Prosecution Procedural Rules Advancing Sexual Violence Prosecutions Evidentiary Rules Regarding Sexual Violence Prosecutions
    United Kingdom
    Manual Guideline Women Rights

    Reference link
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    Margaret Oguli-Oumo, Imelda M. Molokomme, Valencia K.D. Mogegeh, Monde M. Gwaba, Lucia Kiwala, Promoting an Integrated Approach to Combat Gender Based Violence: A Training Manual, The Commonwealth Secretariat, London, 2002.
    Type of literature
    Research focus
    Investigation, Prosecution and Prevention of Conflict related Sexual Violence, Gaps in the Jurisprudence and Legislation on Conflict-related Sexual Violence crimes, Obstacles to Establish Accountability for Sexual Violence Crimes

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