Sexual Crimes in Conflict Database

A collection of relevant literature and case law

Showing the 11th of 11 results.
  • Jurisprudence judicial mechanism

    ECCC - Ieng Sary (“Nuon Chea et al.”)

    Definitions/Elements of Sexual Violence Crimes Procedural Rules Advancing Sexual Violence Prosecutions
    Aiding and Abetting Coercion Common Purpose Consent Forced Marriage Death of Accused Ordering/Instigating Severance of Charges

    Reference link
    Type of mechanism
    Hybrid court
    Name of mechanism
    Extraordinary Chambers of the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC)
    Name of accused
    Ieng Sary
    Ieng Sary was charged, in the closing order (indictment) of 15 September 2010, with: - Rape as a crime against humanity, which included forced marriage. - Other inhumane acts as a crime against humanity, which included forced marriage. Both for committing (via a joint criminal enterprise), planning, instigating, ordering, or aiding and abetting, or by virtue of superior responsibility punishable under Article 29(new) of the ECCC Law.
    Trial chamber verdict
    However, the accused appealed the closing order stating that during the relevant time (1975-1979), rape was not yet applicable as an enumerated crime under crimes against humanity. The Pre-Trial Chamber agreed that during that time period rape was not a crime in its own, but ruled that the facts described as rape can be subsumed as ‘other inhumane acts’. Accordingly, on 13 January 2011, the Pre-Trial Chamber struck rape as a crime against humanity from the indictment. On 22 September 2011 the Trial Chamber severed Case 002 in two trials. The first trial of Case 002 was limited to forced transfers of the population. The second trial of Case 002 includes forced marriage and rape (nationwide) as crimes against humanity. Trial hearings in Case 002/02 commenced on 17 October 2014 and the presentation of evidence started on 8 January 2015. The proceedings against Ieng Sary were, however, terminated on 14 March 2013, following his death the same day.
    Case number
    Case 002

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