Sexual Crimes in Conflict Database

A collection of relevant literature and case law

Showing all 2 results.
  • Jurisprudence judicial mechanism

    ICTR - Arsène Shalom Ntahobali (Nyiramasuhuko et al. "Butare")

    Definitions/Elements of Sexual Violence Crimes Procedural Rules Advancing Sexual Violence Prosecutions Sentencing and Reparations
    Forced Nudity Undue Delay Fair Trial Aiding and Abetting Ordering/Instigating Direct Commission Rape as Crime Against Humanity

    Reference link
    Type of mechanism
    International Criminal Tribunal/Court
    Name of mechanism
    International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR)
    Name of accused
    Arsène Shalom Ntahobali
    - Rape as a crime against humanity and outrages upon personal dignity as a violation of article 3 common to the Geneva Conventions and of Additional Protocol II as a war crime under Article 6(1) (direct responsibility) for: (i) raping a Tutsi girl at the roadblock near his hotel (committing); (ii) raping Tutsi women (committing), ordering Interahamwe to rape Tutsi women (ordering), and aiding and abetting the rapes of Tutsi women at the Butare prefecture office (aiding and abetting). - Sexual violence as genocide, persecution as a crime against humanity and violence to life, health and physical or mental well-being as a violation of Article 3 common to the Geneva Conventions and of Additional Protocol II as a war crime, and other inhumane acts as crimes against humanity under Articles 6(1) (direct responsibility) and 6(3) (command responsibility) due to insufficient notice of the Prosecutor’s intention to pursue these sexual violence crimes. - Other inhumane acts as crimes against humanity under Articles 6(1) (direct responsibility) and 6(3) (command responsibility) due to insufficient notice of the Prosecutor’s intention to pursue these sexual violence crimes and that it adduced insufficient evidence to prove that Ntahobali forced his victims to undress completely before forcing them into vehicles and taking them to their deaths.
    Trial chamber verdict
    Ntahobali was found guilty by the Trial Chamber on 24 June 2011 of: - Rape as a crime against humanity and - Outrages upon personal dignity as a violation of article 3 common to the Geneva Conventions and of Additional Protocol II as a war crime Ntahobali was found not guilty of: - Sexual violence as genocide; - Persecution as a crime against humanity; - Violence to life, health and physical or mental well-being as a violation of Article 3 common to the Geneva Conventions and of Additional Protocol II as a war crime; - Other inhumane acts as crimes against humanity due to insufficient notice of the Prosecutor’s intention to pursue these sexual violence crimes. - Other inhumane acts as crimes against humanity due to insufficient notice of the Prosecutor’s intention to pursue these sexual violence crimes and that it adduced insufficient evidence to prove that Ntahobali forced his victims to undress completely before forcing them into vehicles and taking them to their deaths.
    Ntahobali’s sentence was reduced to 47 years’ imprisonment, in particular due to a violation of the accused’s right to be tried without undue delay.
    Appeals chamber verdict
    On 14 December 2015, the Appeals Chamber upheld most of the findings in respect of the sexual violence conviction ((i) killing a Tutsi girl he had first raped at the Hotel Ihuliro roadblock in late April 1994; (ii) raping a Tutsi girl near the Hotel Ihuliro roadblock in late April 1994 as well as Witness TA during two attacks in May 1994 at the prefectural office; (iii) ordering the rape of Witness TA at the prefectural office during an attack in the last of half of May 1994; and (iv) aiding and abetting the rapes of Witness TA at the prefectural office in June 1994), except - having found errors in the Trial Chamber’s reasoning – for (i) raping Tutsi women, other than Witness TA, at the Butare Prefecture Office; and (ii) ordering the rapes of six Tutsi women, other than Witness TA, at the Butare Prefecture Office during an attack in the last half of May 1994. Ntahobali’s sentence was reduced to 47 years’ imprisonment, in particular due to a violation of the accused’s right to be tried without undue delay.
    Case number

  • Jurisprudence judicial mechanism

    ICC - Joseph Kony (“Joseph Kony and Vincent Otti”)

    Definitions/Elements of Sexual Violence Crimes Achievements and Challenges of Sexual Violence Prosecution
    Accused at large Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) Direct Commission

    Reference link
    Type of mechanism
    International Criminal Tribunal/Court
    Name of mechanism
    International Criminal Court
    Name of accused
    Joseph Kony
    The arrest warrant against Joseph Kony, Vincent Otti, Raska Lukwiya, Okot Odhiambo and Dominic Ongwen was initially unsealed on 13 October 2005; they are/were all commanders of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) in northern Uganda, whose cases were joint (Lukwiya and Odhiambo have been removed from the case (they were not charged with sexual violence) due to their alleged deaths and Ongwen’s case has been severed from this case due to his transfer to the ICC for trial). Kony faces 33 counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity, including: - Inducing rape as a war crime (article 8(2)(e)(vi)); - Rape as a crime against humanity; - Sexual enslavement as a crime against humanity. All under Articles 25(3)(a) and 25(3)(b).
    Case number

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